我們鼓勵使用應用程式和遠距諮詢來改善醫療服務的流程和體驗。 利用一系列數碼健康科技支持家庭對長期健康狀況進行有效的自我管理。 這些範圍從監控虛擬病房的工作人員到隨時預約。 醫生,進行門診預約、轉診,並記錄症狀、血壓等指標。目前的一些數位醫療技術功能豐富且易於使用和管理。 這將使我們成為網路中有價值的數位成員,許多人將能夠獲得醫療服務。
數碼醫療技術的優勢在於其廣泛的應用。 可以在極短的時間內滲透到有需求的使用者中,滿足廣大醫療保健使用者的需求。
正如本系列所示,一些患者更喜歡在家中或在旅途中獲得護理,而不是從其他職責中抽出時間。 有些患者在醫療保健問題上進行虛擬互動感覺更自在。
這不僅關係到病人角度的訪問和便利性;還關係到病人的利益。 在全球範圍內,人員短缺意味著醫療保健系統正在努力向所有人提供面對面的服務,而數碼醫療技術可以發揮重要作用,幫助我們開發和實施新的數碼護理模式,並將工作人員的時間集中在最需要的患者身上,在正確的時間。
more about Dimitri Varsamis
Over 2018-21, as the Senior Policy Lead for Digital Primary Care he oversaw the use of the national General Practice contract as the lever to roll out digital services through all 6,500 GP practices in England in the 2019 5-
year contract. He worked in the NHS for 17 years, mainly on national clinical, digital or innovation policy, but also locally on service redesign and internationally on healthcare services trade
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Dr Ana Luisa Neves leads a team of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, conducting research in digital health, with a focus on the use of digital technologies to deliver safer, more effective, and patient-centred care. She has more than 15 years of research experience, and >40 papers published in peer-reviewed journals (>3,000 citations), using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies
more about Dr Papreen Nahar
Dr Papreen Nahar has been awarded a PhD and a Master’s in Medical Anthropology from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands and her first Master’s in Child Development and Family Relations, University of Dhaka. Nahar has been conducting numbers of interdisciplinary research on diverse global health issues using medical anthropological and gender perspectives. Her research expertise are Health inequalities and Health system (Formal and Informal), Global public health and Research Methodology. Her current involvement is with Social Science Capacity Building for Sever Stiamatisina Skin Diseases in 3 African countries.